
A compendium of great sites, a bit of humor, and some intriguing information. Dataman is surfing the web, so you don't have to. I don't ask you to agree with what you read here. These are just my opinions. I could be wrong. This site is only meant to provoke thought and conversation. Feel free to send me your favorite articles and sites to share. (Tell your friends. Let's spread some knowledge)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

46 Things I Wish My Mom Taught Me About Money

Here is an interesting article from the Women's Personal Finance.Net. Some of the items might be answered with a "duh", but there a lot of good points in here. The rest of the site is worth your time too.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Small, Cool & Powerful

Compact liquid-cooled electric drives help propel the latest generation of a heavy-duty military truck

When the U.S. Army needs to move ammunition and other supplies cross-country, its soldiers often turn to a Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck, or HEMTT. These four-axle, diesel rigs can carry payloads of up to 13 tons off-road, on steep grades that look better suited for a tank. HEMTTs have little in common with their civilian trucks, except for one thing — they can both benefit from better gas mileage that doesn't come at the expense of power.

Quote of the Day:

"Soar, eat ether, see what has never been seen; depart, be lost, but climb."

~Edna St. Vincent Millay

Day of Reckoning for DDT Foes

"Last week’s announcement that the World Health Organization lifted its nearly 30-year ban on the insecticide DDT is perhaps the most promising development in global public health since… well, 1943 when DDT was first used to combat insect-borne diseases like typhus and malaria.
Overlooked in all the hoopla over the announcement, however, is the terrible toll in human lives (tens of millions dead — mostly pregnant women and children under the age of 5), illness (billions sickened) and poverty (more than $1 trillion dollars in lost GDP in sub-Saharan Africa alone) caused by the tragic, decades-long ban.

Much of this human catastrophe was preventable, so why did it happen? Who is responsible? Should the individuals and activist groups who caused the DDT ban be held accountable in some way?

Rachel Carson kicked-off DDT hysteria with her pseudo-scientific 1962 book, “Silent Spring.” Carson materially misrepresented DDT science in order to advance her anti-pesticide agenda. ",2933,215084,00.html

Silent Spring at 40

Rachel Carson’s classic is not aging well. Here is another good article on the true legacy of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring:

Thursday, September 21, 2006

You Can't Beat a Woman Who Shoots

From the site:

Let's face it. Women who engage in the shooting sports are great people to be around. They are confident, outgoing and in no way willing to be abused by anyone. Victimization requires a willing victim. Women who arm themselves pose a direct threat to those who select women as an easy target for crime, violence or sexual assault.

Those who target women for abuse rely heavily upon those who seek to prevent women from legally arming themselves. If you engage in the politics of gun hatred, you are helping to empower those who rely upon your politics to create a victim-rich environment.

You can't beat a woman who shoots. No truer words have ever been said.

Freedom of choice includes the right to choose to prevail in a violent encounter. A level playing field is a good start. Life is a contact sport.

Dataman Links:

Nope, not me. I thought it would be interesting to google my alter-ego. This is some of what came up.


Teach yourself speed reading with Spreeder. I have no idea if this site actually teaches you to read faster, but I have always been fascinated with the idea.

What does your phone number spell?


Download, or "offload", complete sections of very large websites for later browsing. This site specializes in downloading collections based on subject from sites such as the Wikipedia. You can download all the collected information on British Musicians or Nobel Prize Winners and have them on your PC, Laptop, or PDA for later viewing. This seems like a neat idea, especially if you want to browse such information at a later time. It may be a solution in search of a problem. Give it a look and let me know what you think.

Are You a Trend Hunter?

Trend Hunter Magazine - Trend Spotting, Cool Hunting and Innovation Trends

And if you are already too cool, you might want to try Uncool Hunter, a site dedicated to things that are no longer, or never really were, cool.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is an online database of information about actors, films, television shows, television stars, video games and production crew personnel.

Owned by since 1998, the IMDb celebrated its fifteenth anniversary on October 17, 2005.

As of September 4, 2006 IMDb featured 825,865 titles and 2,194,125 people.

I've written about this site before, but I had no idea they were owned by Amazon, or about just how big the database had grown.

Free Tuition at Northwestern

Free tuition at NU? It's in their genes

Imagine being able to attend Northwestern University -- the most expensive school in the Chicago area -- and pay nothing in tuition.

Well, almost nothing.

Arlington Heights resident Mac LeBuhn's great-great-great-great uncle bought a perpetual scholarship to the Evanston school for $100 in 1866.

With it, he was granted free tuition for himself, his sons -- and all of his descendants accepted to Northwestern.

To LeBuhn, the only student on campus with such a deal, the value over four years will be well over $134,000

Space Music Podcasts

I love space music and other ambient music. Let me know if you have any other sources.

Also, despite efforts to keep them down, Pirate Bay is back in business. If you use torrents, this is the top place for seeds. If you don't know what that last sentence means, move along.

Stupid Web Site Names

You would think that someone would have noticed these names before they were made public:

All of these are legitimate companies that didn't
spend quite enough
time considering how their online names might appear ...
and be misread.

1. Who Represents is where you can find the name of
the agent that
represents any celebrity. Their Web site is

2. Experts Exchange is a knowledge base where
programmers can exchange
advice and views at

3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island

4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at

5. There's the Italian Po wer Generator company,

6. And don't forget the Mole Station Native Nursery
in New South Wales

7. If you're looking for IP computer software,
there's always

8. The First Cumming Methodist Church Web site is

9. And the designers at Speed of Art await you at
their wacky Website,

Coffee Crisp

After six long years of petitioning Nestle they have finally seen the light. In late July, 2006 Nestle will begin to market Coffee Crisp nationally, treating it like any other of the many candy bars they sell in the U.S. For the first time, Americans will finally be exposed to what had previously been an exclusively Canadian delicacy.
Many thanks go out to thousands of petitioners who have made this site what it is, and to their persistent knocking at Nestle's door.

It's tempting to say that the petition no longer has a role to play. However, as the only webs ite dedicated solely to the cause and celebration of Coffee Crisp, the greatest candy bar of all, we feel that there's still a place for us.

Miscellaneous Quotes

"My dog's gone because I spilled Spot remover on him."

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some
kind of battle."

Meet Leo Szilard

On September 12, 1933, Leó Szilárd, waiting for a red light on Southampton Row in Bloomsbury, conceived of the idea of the nuclear chain reaction.

As a sidelight, here's a little something about a book link to Szilard:

The World Set Free by H.G. Wells, in which the remarkably prescient Mr. Wells predicts the development of atomic bombs in 1933. By coincidence, Leo Szilard read the book in 1932, thought up the science behind nuclear fission in 1933, and received a patent for it in 1934. The book also predicts that eventually atomic bombs could be carried in a bag "with the power to wreck half a city".

This is remarkable stuff for a book written in 1914!

More about Szilard and the famous Einsteinr letter to FDR in 1939. In it they asked FDR to step up a program to develop atomic bombs before the Nazis succeeded in their own experiments.

They were apparently not aware of a similar program underway in Japan. Can you imagine if either of these warrior contries had developed the capability first? Which American city would have been the first to feel the wrath? Do you really believe that either Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan would have hesitated to use such a weapon?


Another personlized home page editor. Read the enclosed article about this and other home page editors.

Forget TV and Watch the Web

Here is a brief article from LifeHacker that lists some great sites to watch TV from the Web. Lots of opportunity for time wasting here. Catch that episode you missed. Watch snippets of unforgettable scenes (like T Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch).

Also, check these articles for how-to info on saving streaming video (or audio) directly to your hard drive for easy replaying.

Free Legal Advice

Imagine a site with discussion forums for legal problems, including advice from real attorneys. Sounds too good to be true. I hope none of you ever need to use this site, but it's nice to know it's out there.

Pearl Harbor Survivors Project

About The Pearl Harbor Survivors Project

For 65 years America has rightly honored those who gave their lives at Pearl Harbor, but thousands more lived to fight on, defend freedom, preserve democracy and rally a nation. The Pearl Harbor Survivors Project pays a debt of gratitude to the Pearl Harbor survivors from the greatest generation by creating a community to share and immortalize their stories. The initiative remembers the survivors of the Dec. 7, 1941 themselves, as well as the freedom they preserved. The campaign seeks to engage the next generation of Americans who benefit even today from these efforts. Through their participation, Americans are shaping history. Each person who contributes is deciding how America will commemorate the end of an era and how we will remember the sacrifice at Pearl Harbor.


Retronyms are terms renamed after something similar but newer has come into being. Examples include Acoustic Guitar, Star Trek: The Original Series, World War I, and Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope.

I just thought you'd like to learn something new.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Never Forget, Never Forgive, Never Give Up

Saturday, September 09, 2006

What's Cool?

Did you ever wonder what's cool now, who decides it, and what is coming up next? Well, there is a marketing research group out of NY that constantly interviews people to see what they are currently doing and what they want to be doing (and owning). The current edition of the report costs $18,000, but you can download last year's report for free.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Cool Stuff Being Made

This looks like a web site designed by John Ratzenberger. Like his show on the Discovery Channel, this site shows little movies of stuff being made.


Overlawyered, chronicling the high cost of our legal system.
" explores an American legal system that too often turns litigation into a weapon against guilty and innocent alike, erodes individual responsibility, rewards sharp practice, enriches its participants at the public's expense, and resists even modest efforts at reform and accountability"

Elements Of Style

How about the Complete Elements of Style by Strunk and White, available online? Well, it might come in handy someday.

Internet World Stats

World Internet Users and Population Stats

Google opens up 200 years of news

Web giant Google is further expanding its online empire with the launch of the Google News Archive Search.

The web-based tool allows users to explore existing digitised newspaper articles spanning the last 200 years and more recent online content.

Free Maps

Free Maps, Thousands of Miles of Highway Travel Info & Photos

Card Trick.Com

Easy Card Tricks described. It is a nice start at learning what could become a lifelong hobby.

The Chess Corner

The Chess Corner has beginner to intermediate chess lessons. Just the thing for brushing up on your game.

Project for the New American Century

This conservative think tank is either a) a group of intellectuals desiring to continue the primacy of America in the world in the 21st century or b) a shadowy neo-cons conspiracy to cement American world dominance through any means necessary (including faking the 9/11 terrorist attacks). Interesting, isn't it?

Now That's a Big Fish!

Tourist hooked huge halibut
A 69-year-old German tourist could go home to tell the ultimate "big fish story" after a fishing adventure on Norway's Sognefjord.
Dieter Krüger posed proudly with the huge halibut he pulled out of the Sognefjord.

They're back!

Munch paintings recovered
Both of the paintings by famed Norwegian artist Edvard Munch that were stolen two years ago have been found and are now in the possession of the police in Oslo.
Oslo police could finally report the recovery of two Munch masterpieces stolen on August 22, 2004.

The TV network has an interesting blog related to the latest in high tech gadgetry. Fun stuff in here. Just the thing for dad's Christmas list.

Now that's a Truck

Forget your Humvee, here is a $200,000 beauty that just screams testosterone. The Ghurka is a specialized military vehicle that is available to the general public. From bullet proof glass to armor piercing ballistic resistance, this is one tough truck.

World’s First Luxurious Underwater Sea Resort

Limousine pick-ups or traveling in your personal aircraft will seem passé in front of traveling in your personal submarine. But, if you are wondering, where it will land you then Poseidon underwater resort is the ultimate destination for you!

The six-star destination was originally planned for the Bahamas. But, a new shift in the plans reports a schedule to open in mid-2008 on a magnificent private island in Fiji.

The room rates for a standard 550 square foot undersea suite will reportedly be around $1500 per night

Check out the rest of the site. I like the idea - Born Rich.

According to the site: Welcome to BornRich, where we will show you how your money should be spent. At BornRich, even a trip to the moon is so passe.


Q. What is Wikimania?
A. An annual social gathering of Wikimedia project contributors and users, and a conference for presenting research and observations related to the projects.

Here is a list of the finalists for this year's contest. This is very nice stuff that is advancing the Open Source media world.


Magnatune is an MP3/podcasting download site. You can listen to music or purchase it. They seem to specialize in lesser known artists and genres. Check them out.

The Public Library of Science

PLoS is a nonprofit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource.

One Web Day

September 22 is the first One Web Day.

The Web is worth celebrating.

OneWebDay is one day a year when we all - everyone around the physical globe - can celebrate the Web and what it means to us as individuals, organizations, and communities.

As with Earth Day - an inspiration and model for OneWebDay - it’s up to the celebrants to decide how to celebrate. We encourage all celebrations! Collaboration, connection, creativity, freedom.

By the end of the day, the Web should be just a little bit better than it was before, and we’ll be able to see our connection to it more clearly.

OneWebDay is September 22 every year, starting in 2006.

I don't quite understand the importance of celebrating the Web. To me it would be kind of like celebrating television. Anyway, these people think there is something there to celebrate, so I thought I would pass it along.

Meet Ruth Nichols

Aviator Ruth Nichols, known at one time as the "Flying Debutante", flew every type of aircraft developed, from dirigible to supersonic jet? This is a pretty cool story.

This is why I like Wikipedia.

Google to Allow Free Downloads of Books

Google on Wednesday plans to begin letting consumers download and print free of charge classic novels and many other, more obscure books that are in the public domain.


Download Torpark and put it on a USB Flash keychain. Plug it into any internet terminal whether at home, school, or public. Run Torpark.exe and it will launch a Tor circuit connection, which creates an encrypted tunnel from your computer indirectly to a Tor exit computer, allowing you to surf the internet anonymously. How much does Torpark cost? IT'S FREE.

The Inflation Calculator

This calculator shows the difference between an amount adjusted for inflation. It is interesting to see how your current costs and salary compare to that of your parents at the same age. An excellent conversation starter for the dinner table.

MIT's Inconvenient Scientist

Speech codes are rare in the industrialized, Western democracies. In Germany and Austria, for instance, it is forbidden to proselytize Nazi ideology or trivialize the Holocaust. Given those countries' recent histories, that is a restraint on free expression we can live with.

More curious are our own taboos on the subject of global warming. I sat in a roomful of journalists 10 years ago while Stanford climatologist Stephen Schneider lectured us on a big problem in our profession: soliciting opposing points of view. In the debate over climate change, Schneider said, there simply was no legitimate opposing view to the scientific consensus that man - made carbon emissions drive global warming. To suggest or report otherwise, he said, was irresponsible.
Indeed. I attended a week's worth of lectures on global warming at the Chautauqua Institution last month. Al Gore delivered the kickoff lecture, and, 10 years later, he reiterated Schneider's directive. There is no science on the other side, Gore inveighed, more than once. Again, the same message: If you hear tales of doubt, ignore them. They are simply untrue.

I ask you: Are these convincing arguments? And directed at journalists, who are natural questioners and skeptics, of all people? What happens when you are told not to eat the apple, not to read that book, not to date that girl? Your interest is piqued, of course. What am I not supposed to know?

Find out more by reading the rest of the article:

Annual Talk Like a Pirate Day

Yes folks, the annual International Talk Like a Pirate Day is coming. As always, it is held on September 19th. Aaaaarrrrr me hearties...

Who else would keep you up on important information like this.

Stop Badware

Their motto is Regaining Control of our Computers

The site is dedicated to heightening awareness of Badware, their term for malware. Malware is any program that puts software on your PC without your permission, changes system settings without your permission, or has a defective removal program (or no removal program) that leaves software on the system after normal attempts to remove it. The most current report on the site recommends against loading the latest version of AOL ware. It has lots of reasons why you would want to avoid the software. I can't think of any good reason to use AOL anyway, but I know some people who can't seem to live without AIM.

Blogs For Bush

Enough said.

Another Word on Global Warming

I was just asked again if I "still believe that global warming isn't happening". Let me clarify my position a bit. I don't know if the mean temperature of the Earth has warmed significantly over the last century. If there has been appreciable warming, I don't know if any of it is anthropogenic in nature. If there is warming, I don't know if it is detrimental to our environment. It would be just as likely to cause a significant greening and more bountiful crops as to shrink the glaciers and inundate some third world garden spots. If there is any warming and it is found to be anthropogenic, I don't know that there is much we could do about it. The Earth changes over very long periods of time. 1,000 years means very little to the cycles of the earth. The idea that we must put crippling restrictions in place on our economy, but not many others, sounds like a recipe for disaster, with very little upside.

But those are just some of the questions I have about this. As far as gaining some perspective, I would ask you to read this article from Junk Science.Com. It asks some interesting questions and provides a clue as to the science behind the controversies. It is a bit involved, but you will certainly gain a basic understanding of the science involved. This might take a bit of work, but I think it will be worth it to aid in our discussion.

Read it, then we can talk. I am more than willing to learn all I can about this issue. I only ask that we all speak from facts, rather than from politically biased hyperbole.

The Visible Earth

The Visible Earth is a site run by NASA with lots of pretty picture of the big blue marble.

Digital Hollywood

Here is a tech conference to beat them all. Digital Hollywood is aimed squarely at the heart of the entertainment industry. If you are interested in where the media business is headed, you might want to check this out. It's interesting to me just for the list of exhibitors. There is some very cutting edge stuff going on here.

Web Media Consolidation


The mini feeding frenzy continues as Sony Pictures Entertainment has purchased social video community Grouper for $65 million. This comes a few weeks after Viacom/MTV purchased Atom Entertainment. One of Atom's key components is its popular AddictingClips consumer media site. As with MTV, Sony now has an interactive Web channel to distribute content as well as gather content from leading consumer creators. What separates this deal will be Sony's desire to offer consumer creators small clips from the vast Sony library. One can only imagine the vignettes that a self-proclaimed auteur could create using a 10-second segment from Seinfeld's "Puffy Shirt" episode. Grouper's "Groovie" home editing software also is a differentiator here with its simple mashup capabilities, making the inclusion of proprietary material fairly straightforward for consumers.

So who's left to buy in the social video space? Revver, vSocial,, One True Media, Eyespot and VideoEgg, to name just a few. Are we likely to see the media incumbents go after these emerging companies? You betcha … this is a case in which it's certainly faster to buy than to build.

The Shadow Party

Here is an interview with Richard Poe. He describes the new book : The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party.

This is interesting stuff. No matter which side of the aisle you are on, it pays to know something about George Soros. Whatever you think of the Democratic Party, you owe it to yourself to know who this multi-billionaire is and what he is up to.


MPlayer is a high end movie player.

"MPlayer is a movie player which runs on many systems (see the documentation). It plays most MPEG/VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, RealMedia, Matroska, NUT, NuppelVideo, FLI, YUV4MPEG, FILM, RoQ, PVA files, supported by many native, XAnim, and Win32 DLL codecs. You can watch VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, DivX 3/4/5 and even WMV movies.."

whew. Oh, and it's free.


Sharing the sharing

A blog of new music from tiny labels. Just the place to find something interesting.

The Teaching Company

This is a company dedicated to lifelong learners. They provide audio of college level lectures. Just the thing for long car rides, or laying about on a summer day. $60 - $100 per course. This seems like a lot, but my daughter just spent $130 on a single college textbook.

More Freeware

I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450+ common problems solved.
Extremely useful free utilities that do specific jobs really well and save time and money.

U3 Portable Apps Sites

As I mentioned in an earlier article, portable apps are those that don't make entries into the Windows Registry. You can run these program from a USB drive at home, at school, or at a friend's house without installing anything onto their PC. It makes it wasy to have all of your favorite apps right with you when you need them.


Ocean is a free collection of the World's Religious literature managed by a unique book-centered research engine. It contains over 1000 books of 10 world religions in English as well as collections in six other languages (French, Spanish, German, Russian, Dutch, and Portuguese).

Meet Jorge Luis Borges

August 24th was the birthday of Jorge Luis Borges. He was a prolific Argentinean writer. He died in 1986. If you are in college, you owe it to yourself to find out who he was. I would suggest starting with the Library of Babel. It is the story of an infinite library of books. The first book is all A's. The second book is all A's but one B. and so on. Such a library would eventually contain every book ever written, as well as every book that could be written. This is heavy stuff.


AllPeers is a new private, secure P2P file sharing network. It only works as a FireFox plugin. If this makes sense to you , scoot on over to the site. It is just coming off beta, so there will probably be some bugs to work out.

The Sonic Spot

A comprehensive library of computer music and audio resources including news, in-depth software listings and reviews, helpful articles and quality message forums. Lots of software here. Most of it is free or shareware.

including audioscissors for cutting a single large album file into smaller single cut song files.

Meet the Tactile 1200

The Tactile12000 is a 3-D, interactive simulation of a DJ setup - two turntables and a mixer. You can crossfade, backspin, and speed up and slow down music, including full-length WAVE and MP3 songs, on your computer. It is a cross-platform application for both Windows and Macintosh. You can use it to mix like a DJ or let it mix your MP3 playlist automatically.

WD-40 Top 10 Tips

Number 3 on the list of the 10 greatest tools of all time is that wonderful little spray lubricant known as WD-40.

What does the WD stand for?

I thought you would never ask. In the 1950’s a chemist named Norm Larsen was working on a product to prevent corrosion. Since water is a major culprit in corrosion, he came up with a formula which “displaces,” “water.” This Water Displacement formula (WD) was his 40th attempt. Hence, WD-40.

Anyway, here are ten tips of things you can do with the product, plust comments for a bunch more.

iPod Updater

iPod Updater is a free download from Apple. It allows you to download new program patches for your iPod. Apparently, some of these patches may help to prolong battery life. I'll try it. Ask me for a review of it.

While we are talking iPods, check out IpodHacks for up to date info on the entire iPod product line, compatible equipment and software, and competitive products.

101 Ways to Save Money

Northwest Airlines List Of 101 Ways To Save Money

Self Explanatory. Include a link to an article called "More 101 ways to save money". Most of this is common sense, but we still do it wrong.

Wedding Day Emergency Kit

As many of you will be attending weddings soon, and probably being in a few, here is a nice bit of advice. Because it's better to be safe than sorry, and because my Girl Scout Leader wife insists on always being prepared. Below are two starter lists - one for the bride and one for the groom - of essential items to have on hand just in case.

50 Common Interview Q&A

Review these typical interview questions and think about how you would
answer them. Read the questions listed; you will also find some
strategy suggestions with it.

(Excerpted from the book The Accelerated Job Search by Wayne D. Ford, Ph.D, published by The Management Advantage, Inc.)

More Global Warming

Climate of Fear: From Nuclear Winter to Global Warming

Before there was Global Warming Theory to scare the public into rash action, there was Nuclear Winter Theory. The two theories are contradictory, but both were peddled by the political left, and both used some similar rhetorical and political tactics.

Meet the Gryphon

A new parachute system known as the Gryphon has been designed by ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH and Dräger (not sure how you’re meant to pronounce that). The Gryphon enables parachutists to fly through the air at high speed before opening their chutes, so they could be dropped miles away and fly to their intended targets.

The ESG Gryphon is aimed at the military market, where upon parachutists can be dropped up-to 40 kilometres away from the landing pad and then glide their silently and near invisible to any radar cover.

The next stage of development is to add small turbo jet drives which will increase the range even further and allow take offs from much lower heights. Batman eat your heart out.

Happy 40th Birthday

Today, September 8, is the 40th birthday of

Star Trek.

You can read a bit of background on the series, its creator, and the world of Star Trek in this Wikipedia article:

  • Today's Day By Day Cartoon