Another Word on Global Warming
I was just asked again if I "still believe that global warming isn't happening". Let me clarify my position a bit. I don't know if the mean temperature of the Earth has warmed significantly over the last century. If there has been appreciable warming, I don't know if any of it is anthropogenic in nature. If there is warming, I don't know if it is detrimental to our environment. It would be just as likely to cause a significant greening and more bountiful crops as to shrink the glaciers and inundate some third world garden spots. If there is any warming and it is found to be anthropogenic, I don't know that there is much we could do about it. The Earth changes over very long periods of time. 1,000 years means very little to the cycles of the earth. The idea that we must put crippling restrictions in place on our economy, but not many others, sounds like a recipe for disaster, with very little upside.
But those are just some of the questions I have about this. As far as gaining some perspective, I would ask you to read this article from Junk Science.Com. It asks some interesting questions and provides a clue as to the science behind the controversies. It is a bit involved, but you will certainly gain a basic understanding of the science involved. This might take a bit of work, but I think it will be worth it to aid in our discussion.
Read it, then we can talk. I am more than willing to learn all I can about this issue. I only ask that we all speak from facts, rather than from politically biased hyperbole.
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