Titanic Online

Here's a site dedicated to the wonders of the pride of the White Star Lines, the RMS Titanic.
A compendium of great sites, a bit of humor, and some intriguing information. Dataman is surfing the web, so you don't have to. I don't ask you to agree with what you read here. These are just my opinions. I could be wrong. This site is only meant to provoke thought and conversation. Feel free to send me your favorite articles and sites to share. (Tell your friends. Let's spread some knowledge)
Here is a nice little site. If you ever have trouble getting to read an article posted on my site, got to www.bugmenot.com This site gives up to date passwords to access most news sites. It sure beats registering for every little site out there.
Here is a great editorial from the wall street journal. It describes the many parts to the victory in Iraq. Here is a sample:
We have this debate at home all the time. I just have to say, read this and tell me what you are defending.
Larry Elder is my first in a list of great columnists. He is found on www.townhall.com . I will be pointing to his columns from time to time. Today's column relates two incidents with rude people who believe their opinions have merit, even if they haven't really thought about them at all.
So, you've been told that global warming is real and that man, specifically the United States, is responsible for unleashing environmental havoc. Of course, it's not fact, just a theory, and one not particularly well grounded in science. I'll post quite a bit on this topic. Here, for example, is a scorecard showing the real effects of warming vs. the models the media is relying on to perpetuate the scare.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! I'm taking the day off, so no other postings today.
I use Excite.com as our family home page. It's free. It is very customizable. I especially like the TV listings. It's a lot like TV Guide, but free. It also has a movie section that has movie reviews and times for theaters near you. There are all sorts of additional features.
How about a great Disney site? Here is WDW Magic. This is a great site that updates info about the parks, the resorts, and other great stuff.
Speaking of movies, did you ever notice a mistake in a movie? Like looking a Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Carribean and seeing a cameraman? Or maybe seeing an airplane in the middle of The Gladiator? Or how about looking off the deck of the Titanic and seeing part of the Mexican desert? Here's a site dedicated to just that. It's very up to date. It had Harry Potter posts up the first night.
I love movies of all kinds. The Internet Movie DataBase is THE site on the internet for movie info.
Matt Drudge has been running this column since 1998. He was the original internest news reporter. He actually broke the Monica Lewinski story when no one else would touch it.
This is a favorite cartoon of mine. Unlike Doonesbury, the writer leans somewhat right of center. Also unlike Doonesbury, this strip is actually funny.
Then of course there is Lucianne.com. Run by Lucianne Goldberg, this is the best news site on the net. It is updated by readers 24 hours a day. Articles are posted along with user commentary. The comments are usually rightward leaning, but they can be very entertaining and informative.
Answers.com is a combination search, dictionary, and wikipedia. It has all sorts of info, including links to lots of popular culture, movies, and music.
Here is the Wikipedia, an Open Source encyclopedia. It currently has over 800,000 articles.