
A compendium of great sites, a bit of humor, and some intriguing information. Dataman is surfing the web, so you don't have to. I don't ask you to agree with what you read here. These are just my opinions. I could be wrong. This site is only meant to provoke thought and conversation. Feel free to send me your favorite articles and sites to share. (Tell your friends. Let's spread some knowledge)

Friday, October 20, 2006

Free Halloween Music

Your Source for Spooky Songs and Sounds

Where can you find a whole bunch of free music for your next celebration of Samhain (All Hallows' Eve)? Try this article.

You might also want to try Halloween Contacts:



Freeware program TVUplayer lets you watch potentially any TV channel for free.

"TVUplayer works like this: Someone (called a "broadcaster") records live TV on their computer, then sends out the stream to the world at large. From that point, the more people who decide to watch the station, the better the "signal" you'll receive, since TVUplayer uses peers to redistribute content similar to bittorrent (or that's how I understand it). That means it's going to be uploading plenty while it's running (and believe me, it did). What I was most impressed by is that TVUplayer was less than 1 minute behind my live TV, which is pretty impressive."


Line Rider

Here is a complete waste of time. It's a little program called line rider. You draw a line and a little guy shows up and rides down it. Simple, mindless, addicting.

"What crude line-art flash game is getting more search hits on Google than Kim Jong Il? It's called Line Rider, and reports that it has attracted a cult following worldwide:

Part Jackass stunt, part physics lesson, Line Rider encourages users to "draw" their own ramps, hills, and slopes with a pencil tool, then sends a virtual sledder (wearing a red scarf) along the route until he swoops, swerves and crashes. Build an elaborate enough course and you'll feel like a little kid playing in the snow again, zooming downhill, popping up in the air, wiping out on a ramp jump a la Evel Knievel."

Hat tip to


Scientists discover new element -- No. 118

By firing atoms of metal at another metal, Russian and American scientists have discovered a new element -- No. 118 on the Periodic Table -- that is the heaviest substance known and probably hasn't existed since the universe was in its infancy.

Ununoctium, as the new element is temporarily named, has no known use but inspired almost a decade-long pursuit by scientists on four continents. Controversy in the course of its discovery hobbled the career of one physicist, sparked questions about scientific ethics and almost destroyed the world's most productive team of element hunters.


Scientists Create Invisibility

Scientists create a kind of invisibility shield by bending microwaves

Harry Potter and Captain Kirk would be proud. A team of American and British researchers has made a Cloak of Invisibility.

Well, OK, it's not perfect. Yet.

But it's a start, and it did a pretty good job of hiding a copper cylinder from microwave detection.


Outstanding Futurist article:

This article is an interview with a futurist for British Telecom (BT). This article has at least one good science fiction book idea in every paragraph. This guy is very cool.


Enter the World's of David Darling

An encyclopedia of astrobiology, astronomy, and spaceflight.

10,000 or more articles on space.


Worth 1000

A unique site of photoshopped images. Some real neat stuff in here.


Want to own a real flying car?

Here it is, on eBay. The original, working prototype of the Moller SkyCar. This is the real deal. It has flown several test flights at the company. It is designed to run on regular gas, fly, and be driven down the street. Mighty cool!


The New 7 Wonders of the World

Be a part of history. Vote for the new 7 wonders of the world. Learn a bit of interesting history on the way.

Cosmic rays may solve global warming problem

Here is an all too brief article that could just possibly explain away the whole global warming debate. Apparently, without going into the science, cosmic rays cause ionization in the atmosphere that can create more (or less) clouds that keep or release heat. Water vapor and cloud formation can be responsible for as much as 95% of warming or cooling.

Cosmic events could help soften the impact of global warming by triggering cloud formations, suggests research published yesterday.


Green Bigots

An interesting article on the hypocrisy of the environmental movement.

"A hydroelectric dam in Uganda would bring electricity to millions of Africans but it would also annoy the delicate sensibilities of environmentalists in Berkeley who like waterfalls."

Hail, Hail Rock 'n' Roll!

Name a song that has been recorded by all the following: the Beach Boys; Conway Twitty; the Sex Pistols; Tom Jones; Bill Haley; AC/DC; John Denver; Jerry Lee Lewis; Elton John. No, it wasn't "White Christmas." Or "Stardust."

Also Chubby Checker and Elvis and Jimi Hendrix and the Dead.

Give up? "Johnny B. Goode." The presumed model for the title character, the pianist Johnnie Johnson, died last year at the age of 80. And now the composer of the song has hit that mark. Charles Edward Anderson "Chuck" Berry is 80 today.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Ten Best Movies in the Public Domain

Don’t assume movies in the public domain are just too lousy to make renewing copyright worthwhile. That’s true of only 99.99 percent of them! Here are 10 worth downloading for your PSP or iPod. Find them at sites like (700 movies in torrents) or (a huge archive of Movies, Music, Audio, and Text).

Lyrics Plug-in for Windows Media Player

Lyrics Plugin is a piece of software tailored for music fans. To put it simply - it is an add-on to view lyrics in WinAmp or Windows Media Player. No more searching for lyrics. Just start listening to your favourite songs and lyrics will be displayed automatically. Oh, and if lyrics is not found, you can add it yourself :)

How to Get a College Education

It can be done, even in the Ivy League, if you keep your eye on the goal of education.

Here is a pretty good article on finding your own way through a college education. It is a little dense, but there are some good ideas in here:

"...So I launched into an impromptu oral quiz.

Could anyone (in that class of 25 students) say anything about the Mayflower Compact?

Complete silence.

John Locke?


James Madison?


Magna Carta? The Spanish Armada? The Battle of Yorktown? The Bull Moose party? Don Giovanni ? William James? The Tenth Amendment?

Zero. Zilch. Forget it.

The embarrassment was acute, but some good came of it."

Thought for the Day:

When confronted with the assertion that the Soviet Union and the United States were moral equivalents, William F. Buckley responded that if one man pushes an old lady into an oncoming bus and another man pushes an old lady out of the way of a bus, we should not denounce them both as men who push old ladies around.

Giant Google Bug

This is weird. Any idea how a giant bug might have gotten onto a Google map of Germany? I'm sorry, but I couldn't copy the picture. Go to the link, you won't believe it!,10.205451&spn=0.002404,0.006738&om=1&spn=0.002404,0.006738&om=1


Collaborate to Graduate. This is a colege notes sharing site. Find and share notes from your classes, or from similar classes around the country. It sound like a clever idea. It is free. Look it over.

Unmet Needs

Filling in the Gaps
How R. Lee Ermey and Unmet Needs are helping our men and women in the military. This is a really great charity!

"Vermont American came forward and said they would stand by us to help service members that face difficulties during their deployments and activations. We're talking about our neighbors, national guard and reserve folks especially. . . . We're able to fill in those gaps for families that otherwise would have lost their homes, not be able to pay major medical bills." The issue does not get the sort of attention that it should, according to Haney. "Normal American people have no idea about the sacrifices these kids are making when they get called to duties."

Cancelled TV

Here is a site dedicated to cancelled, or about to be cancelled, TV shows.

Enter the Freeware Arena

I just love freeware. It may not be quite as good as purchased software, but you will save a bundle and you never have to worry about piracy.

I Like This Banner

I like this banner. I think we should all be proud of our support for this brave little country.

The Joke's on U

In the new movie, "Accepted," a group of friends make up their own college after being rejected by real ones. It's a comedy, of course. But the real joke is, our protagonists don't dream up anything for their hoax college that you can't already find in American academe, even in some of the most reputable universities.

A Brief History of Communism

This article is a brief history of communism in the 2nd half of the 20th century. It is written on a blog, but it makes for a pretty good read.

Free College Courses Online

Now this is something I have been waiting for. Here are two places to view college courses online. This is an idea whose time has come. Much like the Wikipedia, there is a strong need for high quality lectures on everything offered at your college or university. The ones who get there first will get the glory. Imagine something like Wikipedia filled to the brim with thousands of lectures available online for free. This will be a bounty for everyone.

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