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Friday, July 21, 2006


New video-sharing service Motionbox lets you trim videos down to their best parts and share those highlights.

The only thing more annoying than a rambling blog post or a never-ending photo album is amateur home video that just goes on and on. At Motionbox you can upload your own videos or view others' by tag or user. Using their swanky Flash 9-based in-browser editor, trim a video down to the good parts and share 'em with a permalink or via email. Motionbox is pretty scant on the stock social/sharing features you'll find on other video sites, but I'll take a well-edited video that doesn't waste my time over a friends list any day. Full disclosure: a few of my pals work at Motionbox. — Gina Trapani

Hat tip to Lifehacker for this.


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