
A compendium of great sites, a bit of humor, and some intriguing information. Dataman is surfing the web, so you don't have to. I don't ask you to agree with what you read here. These are just my opinions. I could be wrong. This site is only meant to provoke thought and conversation. Feel free to send me your favorite articles and sites to share. (Tell your friends. Let's spread some knowledge)

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Dread Pyrate Roberts

Those of you who are familiar with the story of the Princess Bride will no doubt recall the name of the Dread Pirate Roberts. He is a swashbuckling rogue who is actually the hero in disguise. But did you know that there really was a Dread Pyrate Roberts? He was actually the most successful pirate of all time, having captured more than 400 ships in less than five years.

I found out about this through a show on the History Channel this month called "True Pirates of the Caribbean". I can easily recommend it. History comes alive.

Here is the article from Wikipedia:

And here is a site that documents his journeys:

Here is an excellent e-book on pirates, free for the month, care of the Gutenberg project.


At 3:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.


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