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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Top 10 Geniuses in History

First off, you may be surprised to find that Albert Einstein is not included on this list. The reason is that I have used a table of IQ estimates for historical geniuses to determine the members and order of this list, and Einstein’s IQ (around 160) did not make the grade. Despite that, he is still the first person to pop in to most people’s minds when thinking of a genius. Having said that, here is a list of the ten greatest geniuses in history:
10. Madame De Stael IQ: 180
9. Galileo Galilei IQ: 185
8. Bobby Fischer IQ: 187
7. Ludwig Wittgenstein IQ: 190
6. Blaise Pascal IQ: 195
5. John Stuart Mill IQ: 200
4. Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz IQ: 205
3. Emanuel Swedenborg IQ: 205
2. Leonardo Da Vinci IQ: 205
1. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe IQ: 210

Interesting List.



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