
A compendium of great sites, a bit of humor, and some intriguing information. Dataman is surfing the web, so you don't have to. I don't ask you to agree with what you read here. These are just my opinions. I could be wrong. This site is only meant to provoke thought and conversation. Feel free to send me your favorite articles and sites to share. (Tell your friends. Let's spread some knowledge)

Monday, February 12, 2007


OLED TV's are the next big thing. These are from Sony. I think they say the screens are 4 mm thick! They would slide under a door. Good HD TV's are 2500:1 contrast. State of the art run 10,000:1. These clock in at 1,000,000:1. Incredible.


Meet Sergei Korolyov

Meet the man who put Sputnik in the air and started the Space Race:

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Iraq WMD Mystery solved

Here is an interview with a geopolitical analyst who outlines just what happened to those missing Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Interesting stuff here. Interesting also that don't hear about this on the nightly news.

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Year in Review

Technology year in review, from MIT. These guys know technology.


Are Canadian Coins Bugged?

It's tin foil hat time people. While this is for real, I doubt that anyone would get much information about me by following my money around.

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The Top 10 Astronomy Images of 2006

OK, it's not an official list, but the pictures are very impressive.


Free Firewall Software

Free Firewall Software. Keep the bad guys out.


Meet Eddie Chapman

Meet Eddie Chapman, safe cracker, womanizer, blackmailer, and a real war hero.

and there was a movie made about his life, Triple Cross


Top 10 Apollo Hoax Theories

It's hard to believe that people believe these are hoaxes. It takes all kinds.

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US History

I can't wait to spend a few good hours wandering through this site. It is, a site run by the Independence Hall Foundation of Philadelphia. This looks like a great site for anyone interested in US History (and we all should be).


Interesting Physics page. Higher order stuff indeed. This might take some serious caffeine to wade through.


Quantum Foam & Buddhism

Just an interesting article on the subatomic world from It is amazing how closely the concept of Quantum Foam fits with buddhiism.

When a man considers this world as a bubble of froth, and as the illusion of an appearance, then the king of death has no power over him."
-Buddha, Dhammapada, 170

Quantum foam, also referred to as spacetime foam, is a concept in quantum mechanics, devised by John Wheeler in 1955. It is sometimes likened to the old concept of the ether/aether.

The foam is a qualitative description of the turbulence that the phenomenon creates at extremely small distances of the order of the Planck length. At such small scales of time and space the uncertainty principle allows particles and energy to briefly come into existence, and then annihilate, without violating conservation laws. As the scale of time and space being discussed shrinks, the energy of the virtual particles increases. At sufficiently small scale space is not smooth as would be expected from observations at larger scales.

Foaming through the universe
Quantum foam is theorized to create masses of virtual particles. They are particle-antiparticle pairs, and prior to their annihilation, exist for a short period of time, on the order of the Planck time. They are created randomly from photons; the higher the energy of the photon from which they are created, the longer the time they will exist prior to annihilation.

These virtual particles make their existence known by the Casimir effect. It is thought that there are constant quantum fluctuations in "empty" space, even at the energetic homogeneity referred to as absolute zero. Due to this, quantum fluctuations are often described using the term "zero-point energy".

The "foamy" spacetime would look like a complex turbulent storm-tossed sea. Some physicists theorize the formation of wormholes therein; speculation arising from this includes the possibility of hyperspatial links to other universes. As far as realistic phenomena are concerned, it's thought that the hyperspatial nature of the quantum foam may account for such diverse physical principles as inertia, propagation of light, and time flow.

Reginald Cahill has developed a theory called Process physics, which describes space as a quantum foam system in which gravity is an inhomogeneous flow of the quantum foam into matter. According to this theory, the so-called spiral galaxy rotation-velocity anomaly may be explained without the need for dark matter.

Various scientists have theorized that quantum foam is an incredibly powerful source of zero-point energy. It has been estimated that one cubic centimeter of space contains enough zero point energy to boil all the world's oceans. However, estimates of this energy vary widely due to the huge disparity in the calculations of the quantum foam density, which vary more than 1:10100. Physicist Michio Kaku thinks that this enormous uncertainty in the estimation of quantum-foam density would represent the largest disparity for any quantity in all of physics.

See also
Dirac sea
Hawking radiation
Hyperspace theory
Planck time
"Rolling ball" topology
Vacuum energy


What does 200 calories look like?

This shows lots of foods to help get an idea of portion sizes. Interesting.


Seeds of the Left

Here is an article that follows the growth of the leftist movement in America, from its insuspiscous beginnings at the University of Wisconsin, right on throught to the American Hating left of today. It's a bit long and deep, but it is worth reading.

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Now that's BIG hard drive!

Seagate to offer 300 TB hard drive by 2010

Just in time be installed in the PS4, an Xbox 720, the Wii Wii, a TiVo for masses of HDTV recording, a computer running the successor to Vista or Mac OS X, Seagate wants you to store it all on a massive 300 TB hard drive.

According to an online report from Joystiq, this is enough to store the entire ‘Library of Congress’ without needing to use any compression. It will also be enough to store 6,144 50 GB Blu-ray discs. That would be hundreds of thousands of standard DVD discs, millions upon millions of CDs and probably billions of photos.

That oughta hold me for a little while!



Drivl is self described as "Your Daily Dose of Awesome". Anyway, it's a bunch of silly stuff, most of it is safe for work.


Friday, February 02, 2007

Your Name in Japanese

Here is a site that translates your name into Japanese characters. Cool.


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