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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Tossing Kerry Overboard

And now, a political note. As the new democratic party leadership took control of the senate this week a strange thing happened. It happened in the glare of TV lights. It was surreal, like something from a political thriller. The new democratic bigwigs got together for a meeting and strode through the halls of the capitol. John Kerry was apparently not told of the meeting. Strange, as this man was the latest bright light to run for the highest office. But for a narrow margin he would have been the most powerful man on the planet. Now he is left looking for a meeting he wasn't invited to. When he caught up with the team, Chuck Shumer took him aside and said something brief. The team continued on ahead. john Kerry stepped back, out of the limelight, and between two columns, disappearing from the crowd. Here is a take on the incident from Canada. It says a lot about Kerry, the Democrats, and his future.



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