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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Raise a glass and remember Mako.

Mako Iwamatsu (December 10, 1933 - July 21, 2006), was a Japanese-American actor. He was born in Kobe, Japan, moved to the United States of America in the late 1940s and joined the military in the 1950s. Many of his acting roles to date credited him simply as "Mako", omitting his surname.
He was known for his role as the Wizard opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger in the two Conan movies Conan the Barbarian and Conan the Destroyer. In 2001 he appeared as Admiral Yamamoto in Pearl Harbor.

You may not have known the name, but his face is very recognizable.


At 4:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.


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