
A compendium of great sites, a bit of humor, and some intriguing information. Dataman is surfing the web, so you don't have to. I don't ask you to agree with what you read here. These are just my opinions. I could be wrong. This site is only meant to provoke thought and conversation. Feel free to send me your favorite articles and sites to share. (Tell your friends. Let's spread some knowledge)

Thursday, December 29, 2005

ICE your Phone

Create a cell phone entry labeled ICE (for In Case of Emergency). This is a worldwide program (it started in Britain) to make it easier for rescue responders to make contact with the right people in the event of an emergency.

See also the Snopes article on the so-called ICE Hoax e-mail that has been passed around. There are no viruses associated with using ICE on your phone. The article explains that ICE is only one measure you should take to identify yourself, not the only measure.


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