RSS Feeds
An aggregator or news aggregator or feed reader is client software that uses a web feed to retrieve syndicated web content such as weblogs, podcasts, vlogs, and mainstream mass media websites, or in the case of a search aggregator , a customized set of search results.
What that means is that you can subscribe to news sites, blogs, or any site that changes its content frequently. Rather than going to each individual site, the news is culled from the sites you subscribe to and is presented on a digest page. You can usually subscribe for free to as many sites as you want. The benefit is that with on site you can review all the news that suits you. It is kind of like building your own, constantly updated, newsmagazine. Just the thing for a news junkie. Its also great for a Hollywood-Entertainment Tonight type junkie.
Here are a couple of examples. I like the Google one the best so far. It is easy to use and has enough features to keep me happy for awhile. It also works as a gadget off of a Google start page.
and Google Reader
Labels: Web 2.0
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