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Monday, June 12, 2006

What about Output Inequality?

We've all heard about income inequality, the spreading gap between rich and poor. Here is an article that puts the responsibility on the producers of output, rather than on the "luck" of the "rich".

The Folk Marxist notion of "income inequality" is an invented problem. To be sure, poverty is a problem for those enduring it. But in terms of "inequality", why focus on the distribution of income? Why not the distribution of output, which is simply the other side of the income coin? Neither income nor equality are necessarily "wealth", but wealth is created by 'output'.

The issue — and this is something we'll have to deal with indefinitely — is that, in a wealthy free society, market income distribution will naturally grow more attenuated. After all, productivity is infinitely expandable and there is no ceiling to the value of output; there is, however, a floor. ($0) If individuals do not choose to acquire the skills/education required to be minimally productive, they'll necessarily be left behind.


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