Scientist predicts 'Mini Ice Age'

Speaking of cold, here is yet another take on the junk science theory called Global Warming:
A Russian astronomer has predicted that Earth will experience a "mini Ice Age" in the middle of this century, caused by low solar activity.
Dramatic changes in the earth's surface temperatures are an ordinary phenomenon, not an anomaly, he said, and result from variations in the sun's energy output and ultraviolet radiation.
Don’t know whether to put on a cardigan, heavy coat and turn up the thermostat or shed down to my speedo and crank up the air conditioning. We’ve been hearing about global warming and dire predictions since the early 80s. Now a Russian scientist is predicting a "mini Ice Age".
Perhaps global warming and the mini Ice Age will just cancel each other out and everything will stay normal. If that happens environmentalists will have to come up with something else to scare people. Oh the humanity!
What will Algore have to say about this? Personally I think man's guess is as good as a ground hog's when it comes to predicting future climate patterns.
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